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Atomic force microscope - SOLVER PRO

Solver PRO — The universal platform for the modern and powerful research grade Scanning Probe Microscope's

Atomic force microscope - SOLVER PRO
Atomic force microscope - SOLVER PRO

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Solver PRO is a powerful instrument for investigation of new materials, thin films, polymers, semiconductors, biological samples and for any other applications which require atomic or molecular resolution in air, gas or fluid environments, as well as insitu examination of structural changing on the sample surface during heating. The modular system design is unique, because it allows configuring the instrument for any application. For instance, the original construction of the Solver PRO base unit provides a simple procedure of scanners replacement, set up of the sample holder, AFAM module, heating stages and so on, depending on the experimental requirements. Due to the base unit construction it is possible to mount any type of atomic force (AFM), scanning tunneling (STM) and shear force (SNOM) measuring heads. The scanning range may vary from 1.3 to 15 microns along Z direction, and from 3 to 150 microns along XY. The integrated optical viewing system has an optical resolution of 3 um and makes it much easier to adjust the laser beam, to choose a surface area for examination and to monitor the scanning process on the screen. The adjustable stand of the optical system makes it possible to exchange the measuring heads and samples and get the optical image of the same area without any additional adjustment of the optics. Hence, the Solver PRO brings together the whole series of scanning probe microscopes in a single platform, providing all of the major SPM techniques. Its stateoftheart design and powerful software, which can be easily set up for any measuring technique will substantially reduce the time required to thoroughly examine the sample and obtain full and accurate information about the sample properties.


in air:

STM/ Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) (contact + semicontact + noncontact)/ Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM)/ Phase Imaging mode/ Force Modulation mode/ Adhesion Force Imaging/DC&AC Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) / DC&AC Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM)/ Scanning Capacitance Microscopy (SCM)/ Kelvin Probe Microscopy (KPM)/ Spreading Resistance Imaging (SRI)/ Atomic Force Acoustic Microscopy (AFAM);

in liquid:

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) (contact + semicontact + noncontact)/ Lateral Force Microscopy (LFM)/ Phase Imaging mode/ Force Modulation mode/ Adhesion Force Imaging.


AFM (forcevolume imaging, amplitudedistance, phasedistance curves), STM (I(z), I(V), Local Barrier Height (LBH), Local Density of States (LDOS).


in air:

AFM (Force (scratching + dynamic plowing) and Current (DC&AC ))/ STM;

in liquid:

AFM (scratching + dynamic plowing).


Contact Force



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