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Rental of a spectrometer. Use of a 500 MHz NMR spectrometer for soluble samples (per hour) "

Trained users can acquire NMR spectra of their solutions. Determination of structure and purity of organic compounds

Contacts and Location


Trained users are offered a possibility to use the spectrometer for acquisition of necessary spectra of one or several dissolved samples (min. 0.5 h). Experiments of standard Bruker TopSpin 4 library (including solvent suppression experiments, 2D TOCSY, NOESY etc., as well as 15N, 19F, and 31P nuclei spectra) are available.

Delivery time

2-5 working days

Contract title

Spektrometra noma.500 MHz KMR spektrometra izmantošana šķīstošiem paraugiem (stundā)

Contract short description

Organisko savienojumu tīrības pārbaude un struktūras noteikšana

Contract full description

Apmācītam lietotājam tiek piedāvāta iespēja izmantot KMR aparātu tieši tādu laiku, kāds nepieciešams viena vai vairāku sagatavotu paraugu spektru uzņemšanai (min. 0,5 stunda). Uzņemšanai pieejami eksperimenti no Bruker TopSpin 4 bibliotēkas, ieskaitot šķīdinātāja apspiešanas eksperimentus, 2D TOCSY un NOESY spektrus, kā arī 15N, 19F un 31P kodolu spektru uzņemšanu.

Trained users are offered a possibility to use the spectrometer for acquisition of necessary spectra of one or several dissolved samples (min. 0.5 h). Experiments of standard Bruker TopSpin 4 library (including solvent suppression experiments, 2D TOCSY, NOESY etc., as well as 15N, 19F, and 31P nuclei spectra) are available.

Service fields

determination -
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