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Ultrasonic hardness tester Krautkramer MIC 10 DL

"The ultrasonic hardness tester MIC 10 from Krautkrämer is handy, easy to operate and can carry out tests quickly without any difficulty. It mainly is suitable • for hardness measurement of low and non-alloyed steels, • for hardness measurement

Ultrasonic hardness tester Krautkramer MIC 10 DL

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"The ultrasonic hardness tester MIC 10 from Krautkrämer is handy, easy to operate and can carry out tests quickly without any difficulty. It mainly is suitable • for hardness measurement of low and non-alloyed steels, • for hardness measurement of high-alloyed steels, • for hardness measurement of nonferrous metals"


"Method of measurement: Vickers penetration with indentation evaluation by the UCI method under load (diamond angle 136°) UCI probes: To be selected according to application: Handheld probes: 10 N (1 kgf) standard MIC 201-A short MIC 201-AS extended MIC 201-AL 50 N (5 kgf) standard MIC 205-A short MIC 205-AS extended MIC 205-AL 98 N (10 kgf) standard MIC 2010-A Motor probes: 8.6 N (0.9 kgf) MIC 211 3 N (0.3 kgf) MIC 2103-A 1 N (0.1 kgf) MIC 2101-A Range: 20 - 1740 HV Conversion: HV, HB, HRC, HRB N/mm² (only with the 10 kgf handheld probe) according to DIN 50150, ASTM E 140"


hardness testing

Contract title

Ultraskaņas cietības testeris Krautkramer MIC 10 DL

Contract short description

Ultraskaņas cietības testeris MIC 10 no Krautkrämer ir ērts, viegli lietojams un var ātri veikt testus bez grūtībām. Tas galvenokārt ir piemērots • zemas un neleģētas cietības mērīšanai tēraudi, • augstas leģētā tērauda cietības mērīšanai, • krāsaino metālu cietības mērīšanai

Contract full description

"Mērīšanas metode: Vikersa iespiešanās ar ievilkuma novērtējumu ar UCI metodi zem slodzes (dimanta leņķis 136 °) UCI zondes: Jāizvēlas atbilstoši lietojumprogrammai: Rokas zondes: 10 N (1 kgf) standarta MIC 201-A īss MIC 201-AS pagarināts MIC 201-AL 50 N (5 kgf) standarta MIC 205-A īss MIC 205-AS pagarināts MIC 205-AL 98 N (10 kgf) standarta MIC 2010-A Motora zondes: 8,6 N (0,9 kgf) MIC 211 3 N (0,3 kgf) MIC 2103-A 1 N (0,1 kgf) MIC 2101-A Diapazons: 20 - 1740 HV Reklāmguvums: HV, HB, HRC, HRB N / mm² (tikai ar 10 kgf rokas zondi) saskaņā ar DIN 50150, ASTM E 140 "

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