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Greisinger GSH 8922 noise meter rental 24 h

Compensation of the background-noise for measuring sound-sources in the foreground. Weightig of the sound level via two weighting-filters according to the IEC standard. Assignation of the max/min value during one measuring period

Greisinger GSH 8922 noise meter rental 24 h

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Permits user to measure sound levels accurately even in the presence of high background noise

Contract title

Greisinger GSH 8922 trokšņu mērītāja noma 24 h

Contract short description

Akustiskie mērījumi apkurei, ventilācijai, gaisa kondicionēšanai

Contract full description

Ļauj lietotājam precīzi izmērīt skaņas līmeni pat augsta fona trokšņa gadījumā

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