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Activated Sludge Process CE 705 ENERGY&ENVIRONMENT

CE 705 clearly demonstrates the most important biological process in water treatment – the activated sludge process. The main field of application of this process is in the treatment of domestic wastewater by wastewater treatment plants.

Activated Sludge Process CE 705  ENERGY&ENVIRONMENT
Activated Sludge Process CE 705  ENERGY&ENVIRONMENT

Contacts and Location


CE 705 clearly demonstrates the most important biological process in water treatment – the activated sludge process. The main field of application of this process is in the treatment of domestic wastewater by wastewater treatment plants. Knowledge of this process is therefore essential for budding engineers and specialists in the field of water treatment.


Activated sludge from a wastewater treatment plant and analysis technology are required for the experiments. The following parameters must be determined in order to analyse the experiments: organic matter BOD5 or COD or TOC nitrogen concentrations ammonium, nitrite and nitrate


Demonstrates biological process in water treatment.

Contract title

Aktīvo dūņu process CE 705 ENERĢIJA UN VIDE

Contract short description

CE 705 uzskatāmi demonstrē svarīgāko bioloģisko procesu ūdens attīrīšanā – aktīvo dūņu procesu. Šī procesa galvenā pielietojuma joma ir sadzīves notekūdeņu attīrīšana notekūdeņu attīrīšanas iekārtās. Tāpēc zināšanas par šo procesu ir būtiskas topošajiem inženieriem un speciālistiem ūdens attīrīšanas jomā.

Contract full description

Eksperimentiem nepieciešamas notekūdeņu attīrīšanas iekārtas aktīvās dūņas un analīzes tehnoloģija. Lai veiktu eksperimentu analīzi, jānosaka šādi parametri: organisko vielu BOD5 vai ĶSP vai TOC slāpekļa koncentrācija amonijs, nitrīts un nitrāts"

Funding Source

EU Structual Funds (ERAF, ESF) -
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